Jiangwei Qiao, Jun Li, Wen Chu, Meizhong Luo. "PRDA1, a novel chloroplast-nucleoid protein, is required for early chloroplast development and is involved in the regulation of plastid gene expression in Arabidopsis". Plant and Cell Physiology. 2013.
54: 2071 - 2084 PDF
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Jiangwei Qiao, Chonglie Ma, Matthias Wimmelbacher, Frederik Börnke, Meizhong Luo. "Two Novel Proteins, MRL7 and Its Paralogue MRL7-L Have Essential but Functionally Distinct Roles in Chloroplast Development and Are Involved in Plastid Gene Expression Regulation in Arabidopsis". Plant and Cell Physiology. 2011.
52: 1017 - 1030 PDF
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