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Service ( 服务 )

The laboratory provides the following service:

  • BAC/BIBAC/Fosmid library construction
  • BAC physical map construction and whole genome sequencing
  • BAC clone sequencing
  • BAC end sequencing
  • BAC fingerprinting
  • BAC pool construction and clone screening

You provide primer information and receive BAC/BIBAC clones and sequences.


  • BAC/BIBAC/Fosmid文库构建
  • BAC物理图谱制作和全基因组测序
  • BAC克隆测序
  • BAC末端测序
  • BAC指纹图谱制作
  • BAC混合池建立和克隆筛选


     E-mail: mzluo@mail.hzau.edu.cn
     Tel: +86 27 87284213(office)
         +86 27 87282936(lab)

Introduction ( 简介 )

The Genome Resource Laboratory was set up in 2005. Its research focuses on the creation and utilization of genome resources, and especially large DNA fragment BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) related resources, and BAC physical mapping and BAC-based whole genome sequencing.

本基因组资源实验室于2005年建立,其研究集中在基因组资源、特别是大片段DNA BAC(细菌人工染色体)相关资源的创建与应用以及BAC物理图谱制作和基于BAC的全基因组测序。

Large DNA fragment BAC and BIBAC (Binary BAC) libraries play important roles in whole or targeted genome sequencing, whole large gene cloning and analysis, genome comparative studies, positional cloning of functional genes, genetic resource transfer between organisms of far phylogenetic distances etc. Currently, the laboratory has established the first full public BAC resource platform in China combining research and service for high-quality BAC/BIBAC library construction, BAC sequencing, BAC end sequencing, BAC fingerprinting, BAC physical map construction and BAC-based whole genome sequencing, has created a large amount of BAC/BIBAC resources for important cereal plants, and is using the resources to perform genome comparative studies, clone genes and transfer large DNA fragments between genus. All the resources are available to public.

大片段DNA BAC和BIBAC(双元BAC)文库在全基因组和目标区段测序、完整基因克隆分析、基因组比较研究、功能基因原位克隆、远缘基因资源的遗传转移等方面起着重要的作用。目前,本实验室已建立起国内第一个从高质量BAC/BIBAC文库构建到BAC测序、BAC末端测序、BAC指纹制作、BAC物理图谱制作再到基于BAC的全基因组测序的完整的集研究和服务为一体的公共BAC资源平台,已创建了大量重要禾谷类植物的BAC/BIBAC资源,并在利用这些资源进行基因组比较研究、基因克隆和属间大片段DNA转移等。这些资源也均已对研究人员开放。